Easy to Copy the Best Th10 Un Defeated Tropywarbase

You can find 1000s of anti-everything TH10 war base designs online which can be easily copied via links but then again most of such layouts are not the anti-3 star.

We have tried and tested almost all popular base designs of town hall level 10 in clan war leagues. After testing all these bases we chose the 50 most popular war bases that can withstand the attack of even a town hall level 11 player.

However, please note that you must have defending troops in your clan castle to protect your base against such attacks.

SO take a look at these 50 undefeated and unbeatable town hall level 10 war base layouts


  • Anti Everything TH10 War base designs
  • Copy link of Town Hall 10 war base layout
  • Best Defense TH10 war base
  • Anti 2 Star war base for town hall level 10
  • Copy Link of anti everything war base of TH10
  • Most Powerful anti 3 star base for clan war leagues and tournaments

Anti Everything TH10 War base designs

th10 war base designs
The X bow are perfectly placed in separate compartments with proper distance therefore making it difficult for attacker to devise attack.
th10 war base designs
clash of clans war base for town hall 10 which is anti gowipe
th10 war base designs
Anti 2 star war base for clash of clans town hall level 2 which is used by many clashers
th10 war base designs
Copy this anti zap dragon war base design that can face attacks of even town hall 11 electro dragons and high level dragons.

Also Read – Clash of Clans Tool Builder

th10 war base designs
This is a very common war base design for town hall level 10 which is made popular by Heart of a Champion Challenge
th10 war base designs
This base is designed by following supercell forums guidelines for a strong war base. Copy it and your opponent will find it difficult to beat

Copy link of Town Hall 10 war base layout

th10 war base designs
The four air defenses on your war base can be extremely helpful against air attacks.
th10 war base designs
You can cross check these town hall 10 war base photos on youtube and see replays on how these designs stayed undefeated.
th10 war base designs
This town hall 10 base has 275 walls and it is especially useful against th11 players
th10 war base designs
Anti earthquake war base for town hall 10 that will withstand multi spell attack

Best Defense TH10 war base

th10 war base designs
Bowler attack is very powerful on Town Hall 10. This anti bowler TH10 war base is really good defense against it.
th10 war base designs
th10 war base without inferno towers
th10 war base designs
clash of clans town hall 10 war base with bomb towers anti miner anti bowler
th10 war base designs
Always try to make a square war base no matter what town hall you are on – The symmetry ensure that your opponent gets confused in making a good attack strategy

Anti 2 Star war base for town hall level 10

th10 war base designs
Place your four hidden teslas together near the town hall as it protects against Pekkas, Barbarian King and Archer queen.
th10 war base designs
clash of clans th10 war base 250 walls for a beginner player
th10 war base designs
Many people like to have troll war base for town hall 10 but again winning the war should be your main motive. You can copy this layout if you want to achieve both.
th10 war base designs
An unbreakable, unorthodox, unstoppable and spread out TH10 war base that can be used in clan war league tournaments as well.
th10 war base designs
This th10 war base is called as the black elixir defense bridge this is because enemy units won't be able to enter the base.
th10 war base designs
This is anti witch town hall ten war base but you have to make sure that your inferno towers are maxed to peak levels.
th10 war base designs
best th10 war base air sweeper non defeatable via Golem, Wizard and Pekkas
th10 war base designs
Here is the one of the most difficult town hall 10 war base layout which is difficult to beat using th9, th10 or even th11 troops.

Copy Link of anti everything war base of TH10

th10 war base designs
The archer towers are perfectly placed on this war base so that they can attack heroes from long range.
th10 war base designs
unbeatable undefeated th10 war base because it is well spread and the compartment are very big
th10 war base designs
best th10 war base 4 mortars that can sabotage attack of any town hall 10 player
th10 war base designs
If you have upgraded from town hall 9 and you don't have third x-bow as well as no inferno tower then you can copy this base for clan war leagues.
th10 war base designs
This is anti electro dragon war base. The archer queen is placed on one end therefore luring attacker to attack from that side.
th10 war base designs
clash of clans with bomb towers for town hall 10 war base
th10 war base designs
best town hall 10 war base design anti dragon with big compartments
th10 war base designs
You can use your dark elixir storage and barbarian king near the edge of the base as these are very much useless against air attacks.
th10 war base designs
This war base design of TH10 is so big that it makes troops walk around perimeter
th10 war base designs
anti everything undefeated th10 clash of clans war base
th10 war base designs
Since you do not have eagle artillery at town hall level 10 therefore you need to focus on the placement of defenses like Inferno tower and X-bow.
th10 war base designs
You can use obstacles and decorations to your favor so that the enemy do not understand from which side they should deploy troops.
th10 war base designs
This is one of the best Town hall 10 war base in the world which is build by copy link from youtube.
th10 war base designs
Always have a spread out war base because it can force enemies to waste their time walking around and not entering the center of the base.
th10 war base designs
Here is anti valkyrie base which you can copy to your home village via link
th10 war base designs
Do not place anything in the compartment of inferno tower this is because enemy troops can enter the base without any issue.

Most Powerful anti 3 star base for clan war leagues and tournaments

th10 war base designs
You do not need to protect resources like Gold, Elixir and dark elixir on war base therefore use these buildings to your advantage to protect your defensive buildings.
th10 war base designs
If you want to setup your own town hall 10 war base design then make sure you have inferno tower set to single

Which of the above war base for town hall level 10 have you tried?

Clash ON


Source: https://www.newforestsafari.com/th10-war-base/

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